Welcome to Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office District 20, the Town of Palm Beach Shores. I am Steven Langevin the administrative sergeant and the previous Chief of Police of the town, prior to our merger. I have worked for the town for 25 years working my way up through the ranks, along with an additional year in the town’s volunteer fire department, serving as a driver and the organization’s secretary.
Previously to being part of the town I worked for the United Nations in the Security and safety service. I was born at West Point Military academy and brought up in the town of Saddle Brook, New Jersey.
I am a graduate of the University of Louisville, Southern Police Institute Administrative officers’ course.
Palm Beach Shores is one of the greatest towns you will ever find, I have met folks all over the country and the world, when you mention Palm Beach Shores, they inevitably tell you about someone who lived or visited here. It truly is a special place.
Many years ago, the town applied for and received the title “Best little small town in Florida”, and it truly is. Palm Beach Shores is located on the southernmost end of Singer Island, former home to the Colonnades Beach Hotel where Billionaire John D MacArthur lived and hosted such TV shows as Treasure Island and years later the Burt Reynolds weekly series BL Stryker. Now home to 5 Marriott buildings, Marriott’s Ocean Pointe.
The southernmost end of Palm Beach Shores begins the Lake Worth Inlet, where marine access can be made to the Florida Power and light plant, Port of Palm Beach and Peanut Island. Peanut Island houses an emergency bunker for President John F. Kennedy whose family home was in the neighboring town of Palm Beach.
Sheriff Bradshaw and the entire agency are here for you, please call us anytime you need. The Sheriff’s Office also provides all the additional services that keep us safe, such as Marine, aviation, forensic and investigative services.
Combined, District 20 Palm Beach Shores, with the additional men and women of the Sheriff’s Office, has over Two Thousand law enforcement professionals here for you.
Sgt. Steven Langevin
Commander, District 20

Contact Info:
(561) 844-9269
Mon – Fri, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
(561) 688-3400
Fax: (561) 687-6828
247 Edwards Lane
Palm Beach Shores, FL 33404
Office open Mon – Fri 8 am to 4 pm
Community Resources & Links
If you will be away from your residence or business for an extended period of time and would like to let us know, please fill-in the form below.